Eurovision: Build your own Running Order

Running Order

(Only works on desktop)

Drag and drop the country "post-its" from "The Board" below to assign your own running order.  It indicates on the post-it whether the act has been drawn in the 1st half or the 2nd half.  

First Half

Second Half

The Board

France (1st)
Germany (1st)
Spain (1st)
Ukraine (1st)
Iceland (2nd)
Norway (1st)
Armenia (1st)
Finland (1st)
Romania (1st)
Lithuania (2nd)
Moldova (2nd)
Portugal (1st)
Greece (2nd)
Poland (2nd)
Belgium (2nd)
Estonia (2nd)
Australia (2nd)
Sweden (2nd)
Serbia (2nd)

Try and predict the running order.  There are no rules here and it will be at the Italian TV Producers discretion with EBU there to make sure fairness is observed.  The running order can be quite important - acts in the last 5 slots have historically on average scored almost double the points of acts in the first 5.  So you want a late slot.

I am neither a programmer or a music expert so this is just the way it is.  Javascript makes it quite easy though so that even I was able to cobble this together, but don't complain if it's buggy.  I have made it for myself and it works on my browser which is all I care.  Sharing it too in case other ppl appreciate it.  I don't think it will work on mobile.  I am using Chrome.

And I am not a music expert but have taken hints from the below videos.  I have colour coded based on Energy the songs have.  Again, I am not a music expert so I welcome suggestions on colour coding the acts and notes to add.

Deep Pink = Lively.
Orange = Less Lively but still quite good energy.
Green = Average Energy.
Yellow = Sleepy.

I imagine that you want to start with some High Energy and intersperse the slower songs with a bit of an Energy pick up in the middle.

Eurovision has given some insight on their youtube channel in 2018.


And also in 2017.



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